Upcoming Events

Due to Covid-19, much of what you see here may well be subject to change. We are following the Cub Scout Motto to “Do Your Best” under whatever circumstances we’re given. We are currently meeting in person, in outdoor settings, with social distance and masks. It’s the best option we’ve found that allows for the social interaction the kids are craving, while making every effort to keep them safe.

Dens have chosen different times to meet, depending on their families’ preferences. Some are still meeting on Tuesday Night at 6:00, others have moved to a Sunday at 2:00 or 3:00 format. Most dens are still meeting at Municipal Park in Boise, 500 Walnut Street, and our next Pack Meeting is scheduled to take place there on Sunday, November 15th at 2:00 PM. Guests are always welcome! If you’d like to visit a den meeting, contact us and we’ll let you know when and where.

November 2020:

  • Sat/Sun the 7th/8th: Scouting for Food (for AOLs). The 5th grade Arrow of Light den joins the Troop in helping distribute the bags for Scouting for Food, and also joins them for the overnight campout afterwards.
  • Saturday the 14th: Scouting For Food. The Pack helps our community by collecting food bags and bringing them to the Council Office to go to local food banks.
  • Sunday the 15th: Pack Meeting (theme still TBA).

December 2020:

  • Saturday the 5th: Shopping for a local family in need to brighten their holiday season. Pack service project.
  • Saturday the 12th: Pack 33 Sled Day (location still TBA, possibly up near Idaho City).
  • Sunday the 20th: Pack Meeting. Pinewood Derby car kits will be distributed on this day.
  • Varies – Car “clinics” where, if needed, you can get your car’s initial cut out done by one of our Pack leaders.

More upcoming events will be posted when we know more about what’s going on, and how circumstances change.

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